Meal Prayer for Christmas Peace
by Paulist Fr. Frank Desiderio
December 23, 2018

Gracious God, giver of all good gifts
as we celebrate the birth of Jesus
we thank you for your presence among us.

We thank you for family and friends
at this table and far from us.

As we remember the angel’s message,
peace on earth and good will to all,
we pray our good will may overcome
any personal rift or political rivalry;
may our every glance be through eyes of love;
may all our speech be gentled by kindness.

Help us to be grateful for what we have
and generous toward the deprived.

May your gifts of Christmas overflow and bring us to peace.

We are grateful for this meal as we pray together:

Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts
which we are about to receive from thy bounty
through Christ our Lord.

— Composed by Paulist Fr. Frank Desiderio, 2018