Do the angels talk? YES!
by Father Jack Collins, CSP
December 19, 2010
Do the angels talk?
Father Jack Collins, CSPFather Jack Collins, CSP

Do angels talk? If Scripture – Hebrew Scripture and the New Testament – are to be believed, the answer is a resounding YES. From the three angels who talked to our ancestors, Abraham and Sarah, in the desert to the Christmas story, angels had a lot to say. And often it was surprising and unexpected.

To Abraham and Sarah, the angels announced that even as close to dotage as they both were, they were going to start a family. Sarah laughed when she heard the news. When she gave birth she named the child Isaac, a name meaning “God laughs.” It seems God always has to have the last laugh.

The Christmas story, if we take it from the top, has an angel, Gabriel, telling Mary she has found favor with God. She is filled with Grace. When angels speak, they don’t just address the one spoken to but speak to us all. We are full of Grace, too. You are. And you have found favor with God. Imagine all the time and energy we could save looking for favor if the angel’s words to Mary took as much root in us as it did in her. We would never ever be the same. Be an angel and tell someone who needs to hear this!

To Joseph the angel said, “Don’t be so afraid!” Sometimes God surprises us with an unconventional twist in the way things ought to be. Never pass up what may at first seem too good to be true – a thrilling new adventure, embracing a love our hearts have been aching for – just because it may shock others. No one was more surprised than Joseph when he was told to marry an unwed mother. He just wanted to do the convenient thing and divorce her quietly. Be an angel and tell someone who needs to hear this!

Just a bit more: an angel tells Joseph, “Take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt because Herod is out to destroy him.” Notice the angel doesn’t tell Joseph, “Sit tight, God will destroy Herod.” God doesn’t take Herod’s threat away interestingly enough. Instead he says, “In the midst of your dangers I’m there at your side.” This is the promise God makes to us, “I’ll be at your side.” God doesn’t promise he will remove all obstacles and threats but that he will help us negotiate them. A bit of trust is called for! Be an angel and tell someone who needs to hear this!

We could do a lot worse than listening to angels. We could not listen to them! Then we would never know how cherished we are, how full of Grace.


Father Jack Collins, C.S.P. is often featured on Busted Halo’s radio show with his own segments, “You Don’t Know Jack.”