Prayer for Fr. Hecker's Intercession



If you or a loved one is need of a miracle for healing or another purpose, please consider praying the words below and stating your request where indicated.

Two miracles must be attributed to Servant of God Isaac Hecker’s intercession before he may be canonized as a saint.


“Heavenly Father, you called your servant Isaac Thomas Hecker to preach the Gospel to the people of North America and, through his teaching, to know the peace and the power of your indwelling Spirit.

He walked in the footsteps of St. Paul the Apostle, and like Paul spoke your Word with a zeal for souls and a burning love for all who came to him in need.

Look upon us this day, with compassion and hope.  Hear our prayer.

We ask that, through the intercession of Fr. Hecker your servant, you might grant us ( state the request ).

We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit. One God, forever and ever.  Amen.”


If God grants your prayer at the intercession of Fr. Hecker, please contact Paulist Fr. Ron Franco, postulator of Fr. Hecker’s Cause for Beatification and Canonization, at [email protected].