Wholeness to our holiness: A Hecker reflection

March 11, 2014

undefinedThe following are unpublished writings of Servant of God Isaac Hecker. This text is drawn from Hecker’s personal papers under the title, “Notes on the Spiritual Life.” It was written in July 1860, just before the election of Abraham Lincoln and the coming of the Civil War. These reflections are drawn from his personal notes and contain a great deal of practical advice on developing the spiritual dimension of your life.


Wholeness to our holiness

A self-reliant and independent spirit is not contrary to an obedient and submissive spirit. To be self-reliant and independent in matters which lie within the province of one’s own judgment is commendable in everyone. For God intended this in giving us personalities with their own peculiar characteristics. Self-assertion is in this sense, truthfulness and obedience to God. Obedience is compatible with resistance to the arbitrary exercise of authority, for submission to the abuse of authority is not a virtue and indicates the absence of uprightness and courage. Faith does not suppress our natural characteristics; religion gives completeness to character and wholeness to our holiness.


Response by Father Paul Robichaud, CSP

Obedience to God is not in conflict with self-reliance and self-assertion. Servant of God, Father Isaac Hecker divides what is within our own judgment and what belongs to the judgment of God, which in turn informs our judgment. God has given us independent lives and independent personalities therefore God expects us to act using our judgment for many of the decisions in our lives. To assert oneself in truth and courage is one of the goals of becoming a mature human being. 

Faith does not seek to replace or eliminate our intelligence. We are to be obedient to God through faith but this does not mean that we are to be totally submissive to every use of authority. For Hecker such submission is not a virtue and does not encourage us, to develop the courage and fortitude we need to live out our lives in faith. Obedience to God in faith and the development of our own judgment work together in mature people. As Father Isaac Hecker says in today’s reflection, “Faith completes us and gives wholeness to our holiness.”


About this series

Father Paul Robichaud, CSP, is historian of the Paulist Fathers and postulator of the Cause of Father Hecker. Publishing and disseminating the writing of Servant of God Isaac Hecker is the work of the Office for Hecker’s Cause. If you have asked Father Hecker to pray for you or another person who is ill, and you believe something miraculous has happened, please phone Father Robichaud at 202-269-2538.

If you would like to contribute to Father Hecker’s cause for canonization, please click here.