Reach out and touch someone: Yes, that means you!
by Father Thomas A. Kane, CSP
June 9, 2014

By Pat Kaminski, special to the Paulist blog

Landings coordinator, Jacksonville, Ark.


As a Landings coordinator and a returnee, it saddens me that often the Church has a sense of coldness which leaves the parishioner feeling alone and unwelcome. Many Catholics leave the Church because of this. I was just such a Catholic.

Not having a good knowledge of my faith, it was very easy to be attracted to the warmth, love and enthusiasm offered by other denominations. Many Protestant denominations met me at the front door with hugs and smiles, and once I was in, they offered a plethora of activities to keep me involved. However, after the glitz wore off, a sense of something missing filled my heart. I craved the Eucharist and a deeper knowledge of the Catholic faith.

So why don’t Catholics who have left just come home? Unfortunately, after being gone awhile, many feel as though they don’t belong and are afraid of rejection. They feel that to be a Catholic in good standing there are far too many hoops to jump through. They wonder why it is so hard to be accepted into the Church.

As good Catholics in the pews, what are we to do about this? How can we overcome these issues? It simple … love them home, then love them when they get there!

We are the body of Christ! It is our responsibility, along with the priest, to take care of the flock. As evangelists, we are sent out by Christ to invite others into the life of Christ’s church. In Luke 10, Christ tells us, “The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few … Go on your way; behold, I am sending you …” Yes! that means you! Become the evangelist you are meant to be. Non- practicing Catholics are everywhere: seek them out.

Make it personal: extend an invitation to one person you know. Invite him/her to the next welcoming home program or to RCIA. But even if there is no program in progress, reach out! Invite the person to join you at Mass. Meet outside the church and attend Mass together. Follow up with invitations and dates for programs and classes being held at the parish; if possible, attend together.

How does our own parish reach the lost sheep outside our parish walls? We have used banners, flyers, television, newspaper ads and even billboards. Our Confirmation classes canvas the local businesses and place flyers in their windows. We leave flyers at our dentist and doctor offices, restaurants and anywhere that will display the information.

Just think, if each one person reaches only one other person, soon we will all be home, safe and sound in our Father’s house. So, do as the old AT&T commercial says: “Reach out and touch someone.”

Pat Kaminsky is writing on behalf of Father Thomas A. Kane.