Fr. Eric's Advent Letter: God of All Beginnings

December 4, 2015

Paulist President Father Eric Andrews, CSP

Dear friends,

We pray that these opening days of Advent, 2015, are a time of joy and peace for you and your loved ones!

In a homily Sunday at a parish mission in Ohio, Paulist Fr. James DiLuzio offered this reflection on the sacred season:

” … Christmas may be an extravagant celebration but at it’s heart it is about nothing more than humility: God comes down to earth as vulnerable infant in stable poverty to remind us of our vulnerability, our need for God and what we have in common with every person on the face of the earth: life itself.  Thus, through Christmas, every human life is affirmed.  You know this, I know this, yet the extravagance of holidays and holiday preparations can wreak havoc in our souls and create an almost apocalyptic battle within us. Advent invites to a broader outlook, a down to earth peace if we let it in. … “

May you be blessed with this broader outlook!  In that spirit, we want to share this prayer that we Paulists pray in Advent:

God of all beginnings,
help us prepare for the advent of our savior Jesus Christ.

Send the fire of your Holy Spirit deep within us,
so that the God who is coming to meet us will find us waiting in joyful prayer.

We ask this in the name of our redeemer who lives and reigns with you forever and ever.


Thank you for your ongoing support of our community!  To paraphrase Pope Francis, “Please pray for us. Don’t Forget.”

Yours in Christ,
Fr. Eric Andrews, CSP
President, the Paulist Fathers