The Associates World: March 2016

March 22, 2016

Issue No. 5, March 2016 A Monthly Newsletter for Paulist Associates The Associates World is the newly launched newsletter of the Paulist Associates. You can download a copy of this newsletter in PDF format (excellent for printing), or scroll down to read it on the Web. We are grateful to the Associates in Horseshoe Bay for preparing this month’s newsletter.  We continue to look for other groups to contribute articles for the upcoming editions.  Please contact Paula Cuozzo at [email protected] for details. We very much want to hear from the Associates in all foundations and those who are Associates who are no longer living near a group.

Table of Contents

The Holy Spirit Chapel, St. Paul the Apostle Church, Horseshoe Bay, Texas

by Frank Trogus Our parish has a rich history. Interdenominational services began in the Horseshoe Bay area in 1972 under the direction of Father Walter J. Dalton, CSP, who offered Mass in a variety of places. The Church was built in 1979 and was dedicated on December 5, 1982. Back then the current Church was called a chapel, and for over 10 years, the building served the entire religious community of Horseshoe Bay, with Mass celebrated by Father Dalton, and our protestant brothers holding Sunday services each week just after Mass was completed. Even to this day many members of our neighboring non-denominational Church at Horseshoe Bay fondly remember services at the “Chapel”. One of our Paulist Associates recently invited a friend to a mass that was being said for the intention of his wife. He thanked them for having the opportunity to be there, and reminisced that in the “early days” he served as usher for the protestant church. As their service was always after the Mass, he enjoyed coming early, to be there for the Mass. Fr. Dalton would always stay after mass, and they had frequent talks about his homily as Fr. Dalton stayed to welcome the protestant congregation and make them feel at home. The story demonstrates how our original ecumenical role continues to create positive memories. Today we invite each other to community events such as pancake breakfasts, religious speakers and community outreach. The Paulists helped set the tone for community, sharing and for experiencing the fullness of Christian life. They helped set the context to embrace the Holy Spirit in both the great and small moments of life and to use the expansive wings of the Holy Spirit to encompass and embrace everyone. It is in this space that we continue to improve our dialogue with faith and culture. Our Catholic community has grown significantly since those early days. We moved from Mission, to Chapel and with the renovation and expansion in 2014 we moved to “Church”. As part of this renovation we kept alive the Spirit of mission and intimacy of Chapel by ensuring a special, prayerful space be incorporated in the renovation plans and appropriately named it the Chapel of the Holy Spirit. The Chapel of the Holy Spirit is dedicated to Paulist Fathers Walter Dalton and Robert Scott. The Holy Spirit Chapel is a place of quiet meditation. On First Fridays we use the chapel for adoration and benediction. Our community is unique in that we are in transition. In our parish we have the present and long pasts but relatively short futures, characteristic of other mostly retired communities. But yet we are innocent, open, sincere and ready to respond to the truth when clearly and honestly presented. We are a community that is searching. All of these words echo Fr. Isaac Hecker’s journey… the Holy Spirit……and now our Chapel. So it was fitting to name our new Chapel in the renovated Church to the Holy Spirit. And it was with happy appropriateness that we dedicate it to Fathers Dalton and Scott. Here in Texas we have a saying; “Dance with the one that brung ya”. And we continue to happily dance with the Paulists.

What is Our Purpose, Mission, Vision?

by Francie Dix When Fr. Ruben shared his vision of having the door to the Holy Spirit Chapel enhanced with a tile mosaic created by Fr. Jairo Lopez who is a pastor at a neighboring Catholic Church, we agreed to give input on the artwork and scope. We also agreed to take a leading role in encouraging contributions to offset the expense. Fr. Jairo is a very talented artist, and we knew once Fr. Ruben was satisfied with the design, we would have a beautiful entrance to the Chapel and that this door would be dedicated to both Fr. Walter Dalton and Fr. Bob Scott. Many are unclear about what we “do” as a Paulist Associate. Without question, we are different than many of our other engaged ministries such as the Knights of Columbus, St. Vincent de Paul and the liturgical ministries. It’s hard to describe or show proof of the value of our purpose or demonstrate the results of our monthly gatherings to study, share, pray for our parish and for the Paulist Fathers. We’ve formed a wonderful community who truly supports the Paulist Fathers, the cause for Fr. Hecker’s Canonization, and, for the past two years we end each of our meetings with a prayer for Paulist Vocations. With this project, we saw an opportunity to lead the effort to fund the artwork and the picture shared with you on this page doesn’t completely reflect the reaction as you approach the door. The surrounding tiles say what we often quietly feel: Come, step in. Open your hearts to the Holy Spirit.  

Reflections from a Newcomer

by Penny Breedlove God programs us so that we are always searching for Him. I decided that I needed help in my search, so when I was asked (more on that later) if I was interested in joining the Paulist Associates, I enthusiastically agreed. And so my spiritual journey began. I wanted to nourish my soul; I wanted a road that would lead me closer to God. After reading the life of Thomas Hecker and St. Paul, I realized that they too were searching for the same thing. St. Paul, the lucky one, found his answers on the road to Damascus. The rest of us are not so lucky. We search, we struggle. Joining the Paulist Associates has given me a way to search, and a support team to guide me through my struggles. We meet and pray together and discuss books that will inspire and guide us. If I had not been asked and encouraged to join, I would not have gone down this road. I felt unworthy and a little frightened of this group because they were a “mystery.” Now I know better. They are a wonderful, warm, embracing group. Now my mission is to ask others if they would be interested. Sometimes that is all it takes. Note: Penny joined the Paulist Associates in the formation/discernment process in 2015 and make her first promise in February, 2016.

Proposed Program for April

(This is a suggested format; each group may select another outline or topic.) Theme: Continued Discussion of the Paulist Litany of Saints Opening Prayer: Easter Saturday, pp 326 – 329 from The Paulist Prayer Book Reading (in advance of the meeting): Readings for today are from All Holy Men and Women, edited by Thomas A. Kane, CSP: chapters on Saint Joseph, A. Oscar Romero and Dietrich Bonhoeffer.   Conversation Catalysts 1. What did you learn about these men that you did not know before? 2. What stood out for you about their lives? 3. In what ways do you see the Holy Spirit in action? 4. What did you learn about yourself? Closing Prayer Prayer for the Canonization of Father Isaac T. Hecker, CSP Heavenly Father, you called your servant Isaac Thomas Hecker to preach the Gospel to the people of North America and through his teaching, to know the peace and the power of your indwelling Spirit. He walked in the footsteps of Saint Paul the Apostle, and like Paul spoke your Word with a zeal for souls and a burning love for all who came to him in need. Look upon us this day, with compassion and hope. Hear our prayer. We ask 7that through the intercession of Father Hecker your servant, you might grant us (state the request). We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, Our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit. One God, forever and ever. Amen

Isaac Says

From Aspirations of Nature The whole body of doctrine on spiritual life in the Catholic Church is based upon the fact of the indwelling of the Holy Ghost in the hearts of her faithful children.

Upcoming Events

The Horseshoe Bay Associates will join the Associates in Austin for a day-long retreat on Saturday, April 23 in Buda. This retreat will be led by Fr. Bruce Nieli, CSP. For additional information, please contact Kathleen Lossau at [email protected].


Errata: In the February newsletter, we erroneously reported that the Toronto Associates were our only international contingent. We learned from Fr. Steve Bossi, CSP, that there are 4 Associates who meet regularly in Rome. We apologize to the Associates in Rome for this oversight.


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Paulist Associates National Director 

Frank Desiderio, CSP
Paulist General Office
New York, NY 10023

Board Members 

Angie Barbieri
Toronto, ON, Canada

Paula Cuozzo
Boston, MA

Cathy Hoekstra
Grand Rapids, MI

Mike Kallock, CSP

Terry Modica
Tampa, FL

Paul Robichaud, CSP

Paulist Associate Promise:

I believe that I am drawn by the Holy Spirit to the spirituality and qualities of the Paulist Community. I have discerned both by prayer and study that God calls me to become associated with the Paulists. I promise that I will pray for the works of the Paulist Society, meet with others, who are also members of the Paulist Associates, for spiritual sharing and formation; and I seek to embody the apostolic qualities of the Paulists in my daily life. Attentive to the Holy Spirit and faithful to the example of St. Paul and the charism of Father Isaac Hecker, I commit myself for one year of membership in the Paulist Associates.