A Prayer for Your Thanksgiving Table

November 21, 2018
We pray that you and your loved ones have a very blessed Thanksgiving!
Here is a blessing prayer that might be used for the Thanksgiving table:
God of the Pilgrims and new migrants 
Creator of us all and giver of all gifts
God of anyone struck silent by a sunset
or pulled up short by a child’s love
We pause in this moment to remember 
the many blessings of this year. 
When we peek inside the constant gift,
where else can we go but Thanksgiving?
So, we give you thanks this day
and ask your blessing on our meal 
in Jesus’ name, we pray.
Composed by Paulist Fr. Frank Desiderio for Thanksgiving, 2018

More from Busted Halo: “Five Prayers for Your Thanksgiving” by Paulist Fr. Stuart Wilson-Smith


Photo: @danielisaac on Instagram